Monday, January 23, 2006


Kyle and I went out after we saw the film Walk the Line on Friday. We went back to Brooklyn, and headed over to one of our favorite bars in Bayridge. We like this place because they usually serve a delicious Heiffenweizen on tap. Unfortunately, when we arrived, they no longer had the beer we liked, but they had a bottled version. Oh well. As we walked in, we realized that they were having karaoke night. Oh boy! The highlight of the night was this 87 year old guy, who was singing. He was so darn cute. The lady sitting next to us said that he is a regular. He was getting all into it. And he didn't even need to use the tv screen. He knew all the words by heart. I hope that when I get that age, that I have the energy to party like this guy. He was great! Karaoke is definitely entertaining. Seeing these people get up in front of the bar and sing musac was hysterical.

We stayed out until 3am. Very late for me. When we got back to Kyle's we were starving, so we made some tuna fish sandwiches, watched some tele, then fell asleep.


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